Markdown Files (.md, .mdx)

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using a simple syntax. It’s widely used for documentation, README files, and content creation. The Alph Editor provides excellent support for working with Markdown files.

Creating and Editing Markdown

You can ask Agent Alph to create and edit Markdown documents:

# Project Documentation

## Overview

This project provides a **machine learning pipeline** for image classification using convolutional neural networks.

## Features

- Pre-trained model support
- Data augmentation capabilities
- Transfer learning options
- Visualization tools

## Getting Started

1. Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
2. Prepare your dataset in the `/data` directory
3. Run the training script: `python`

## Results

| Model | Accuracy | Training Time |
| ResNet50 | 94.2% | 2.5 hours |
| MobileNet | 91.7% | 45 minutes |
| Custom CNN | 88.3% | 1.2 hours |

Try prompts like “Create documentation for my Python package” or “Generate a project README with installation instructions.”

Markdown Features in Alph Editor

The Alph Editor enhances your Markdown experience with:

  • Rich syntax highlighting
  • Live preview to see rendered output
  • Support for tables, code blocks, and images
  • Automatic formatting and list continuation
  • Table of contents generation

Extended Markdown (MDX)

The Alph Editor also supports MDX, which combines Markdown with JSX:

  • Use interactive components in your documentation
  • Import and use custom React components
  • Create dynamic content with JavaScript expressions

Markdown for Documentation

Markdown is perfect for documentation. Ask Agent Alph to help with:

  • “Create API documentation for my Python functions”
  • “Generate a tutorial for installing my software”
  • “Write release notes for version 2.0”
  • “Create a troubleshooting guide for common issues”

Markdown for Reports

You can also use Markdown for data reports and analyses:

  • “Create a report template for weekly data analysis”
  • “Generate a project status report in Markdown”
  • “Help me format this data as a Markdown table”

Combine Markdown with code blocks to create self-documenting examples that users can easily copy and run.