1. Go to Dashboard

Sign up or log in to begin working with your notebook servers:


The dashboard contains all of your servers, environments, alph, and your account billing and settings.

2. Start Notebook Server

To get started simply click the server card to launch your notebook server. Everyone starts with their own default server and one additional server.

3. Develop with Alph

Once your server is ready, click on the server card again to be taken to your Jupyter Lab IDE.

You can also start working with Agent Alph or have it working for you now that your notebook server is running.

4. Create Another Notebook Server

If you’d like to launch another notebook server, take yourself to the “Create Server” page and specify the server name, environment, compute, and port to launch.

5. Share Apps with Port Forward URL

Every notebook server has their own port forwarding URL that you can find by running echo $PORT_FORWARD_URL in your terminal.

You can use this to deploy and run apps directly in your notebook and securely share them immediately on a public URL.

Here’s an example you can run in a notebook that launches a gradio server on localhost:5000 in your notebook.

import gradio as gr

def greet(name, intensity):
    return "Hello, " + name + "!" * int(intensity)

demo = gr.Interface(
    inputs=["text", "slider"],



You can visit the PORT_FORWARD_URL or just view it on the Agent Alph page.

6. Manage Server

Finally, you can manage your servers by stopping or deleting them on the “Manage Servers” page.

Try out our community notebooks

Take a look at some open-source notebooks in our environments repository:

Community notebooks

All GPU-configured environments and community notebook examples.