vectordbEnvironment equipped with vectorDB tools and clients like torch, transformers, pinecone, weaviate, milvus, chroma, qdrant, and fiass.
pineconeEnvironment for Pinecone’s powerful vector space, including PyTorch, Haystack, Transformers, Cohere, and the OpenAI Python library.
milvusEnvironment set up for Milvus, an open-source vector database that handles massive-scale vector data and provides fast vector search and analytics capabilities.
weaviateEnvironment designed for Weaviate, a cloud-native, modular, real-time vector search engine.
raftEnvironment for RAFT, a reusable accelerated functions and tools for vector search created by NVIDIA’s RAPIDS AI; can be used with faiss.
faissEnvironment for Faiss, a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
chromaEnvironment equipped with Chroma, an open-source embedding database.
qdrantEnvironment designed for Qdrant, an open-source vector similarity search engine with extended filtering capabilities.